Jul 2024
Beyond and after design, there is a world of processes and technologies that requires a holistic vision and great ingenuity, as the expert production engineers can tell us.
Apr 2024
The GE Aerospace lean operating model reinforces the approach adopted across Avio Aero's teams aiming at continuously improving and making the way of working agile and sustainable.
Jan 2024
The Avio Aero professionals who deal with electrical and electronic products for avionics or naval applications talk about their work, the innovation that sets it apart, and future challenges.
Oct 2023
Digital technology and artificial intelligence experts from Avio Aero talk about their professional experience with the innovation that is redefining technical solutions of the future.
Aug 2023
Investments made by the company and the National Development Contract enabled technological innovation, efficient processes, and sustainability to flourish at the Pomigliano plant.
Apr 2023
Control and steering systems for next-generation submarines’ route and diving conditions are made to provide reliability and safe performance.
Feb 2023
While products and technologies are developed for flight decarbonization, Avio Aero is following in the steps of GE Aerospace to take on the carbon neutrality at its operating sites.
Nov 2022
O pomysłowości i błyskotliwych inżynieryjnych umysłach z Polski stojących za nowym, europejskim silnikiem turbośmigłowym i ich technologicznej przygodzie życia.
Oct 2022
Lean culture in Avio Aero is enriched with insights and tools, thanks to the guidance of a world-class Lean Transformation expert who spent a week at our Brindisi site.
Sep 2022
How Lean techniques helped the second largest Italian Avio Aero plant find its footing, by putting the operators first and drive immediate process improvements.
Jul 2022
Tygodnie pełnego zanurzenia w kulturze Lean dla zespołów Avio Aero, od Leadership Kaizen Week, w który zaangażowało się ponad 250 osób w pięciu lokalizacjach, po Shinji Week w jego drugiej edycji.
May 2022
We followed step by step one industrial processes inside the Turin's Rivalta plant to get into the heart of the Lean culture and discover how strategy and daily operations are closer than they seem.
Nov 2021
Standardy ciągłej poprawy jakości mają swoje źródło w odległym miejscu, a wylądowały w sektorze lotniczym dzięki profesjonalistom z Avio Aero, zgłębiających pojęcie kultury Lean.
Oct 2021
In Pomigliano, alongside technicians and operators, senior management spent one working week of Lean full immersion to learn and transform, finding out how to challenge their limits.
Aug 2021
The Lean culture keeps permeating the company’s departments, bringing new opportunities and fostering collaboration between machines operators and digital specialists.
May 2021
The digital technologies that improve the processes for the LEAP engine combustors at Pomigliano are the result of a global collaboration fostered by the Lean culture.
Mar 2021
Dzięki zespołowi doświadczonych inżynierów i ich umiejętnościom meteorologicznym, a nawet zawodniczym, silnik Catalyst pomyślnie przeszedł również test oblodzenia w lodowatych temperaturach.
Avio Aero has rethought not only helicopter products, but the entire process and everything that revolves around them, offering safe and innovative solutions for futuristic helicopters.
Feb 2021
The new project Italian partnered by Italian Air Force and Avio Aero enhances the digital capabilities of test rooms with new software and huge amounts of data, starting from the base in Cameri.
Jan 2021
The first European-born GE engine has achieved another crucial step, once again during that time of the year, ahead of its upcoming first take-off for flight testing.
Nov 2020
An inside look at GE Aviation Turboprop headquarters, guided by the local leaders through its heritage, tech capabilities, bright outlook and European integration with Avio Aero.
Oct 2020
How the GE Aviation Advanced Technology in Munich is enabling the next generation of quieter turboprops, teaming up with outstanding research and development partners.
Aug 2020
The European research project for small air transport has contributed new technologies that will soon fly with the Catalyst engine, whilst looking ahead at driving an even more sustainable future.
May 2020
Smart Working is not really a brand-new practice at Avio Aero, also thanks to the efficient and seamless speed with which it was recently embedded into corporate culture.
Mar 2020
How the Lean Academy has been embraced and adopted across GE Aviation teams in Poland, bringing lean culture to the next level of improvement and involvement.
An innovative assembly line for helicopter transmissions at the Rivalta factory offers ergonomic benefits for the operator and even more value for the final customer.
Feb 2020
Inside one of Avio Aero's engine test cells, a special testing campaign helps improve the way airliners’ engines cope with the most extreme natural conditions.
Industrial processes existing since almost a century, restructured and renewed thanks to technology that improves results and sustainability: just like the 3D-printed sand cores.
Jan 2020
Przemiany przemysłowe wykorzystują filozofię Lean, aby usprawnić operacje produkcyjne w zakresie 360 °, od prędkości, po niezawodność, jakość i oczywiście bezpieczeństwo.
Nov 2019
At the Avio Aero plants, the digital transformation goes on and involves also the teams that guarantee the efficiency and performances of both production and machinery.
Aug 2019
W nowoczesnych fabrykach meble i oprzyrządowanie muszą być funkcjonalne i zaprojektowane przez profesjonalistów, którzy w Avio Aero swoje inspiracje czerpią tylko od największych wynalazców w historii.
Jul 2019
The evolution of drones knows no boundaries and is drawing more and more curious people, even from outside the aviation sector, while at the last airshow the new Falco Xplorer has been revealed.
Apr 2019
W laboratoriach Avio Aero przeprowadzane są testy elektromagnetyczn, których celem jest zapewnienie, że żadne pole zewnętrzne nie zmieni wydajności silnika.
Mar 2019
A team of European brains is accompanying GE's new turboprop engine towards its first flight, through a myriad of testing sensors and cables, advanced test rooms and a digital twin.
Feb 2019
Travelling from one city to another or crossing megalopolis thanks to artificial intelligence, electric propulsion and hybridization is not just Sci-Fi for aviation professionals.
Jan 2019
Two engineers, both eager pilots, inside the test facility that allows the most realistic flight simulation for the Catalyst engine, applying real components and weather conditions.
Nov 2018
It is not only a whole aero engine is tested, Aviation Industry demands that each and every single component passes the toughest tests to be allowed to fly.
Oct 2018
A new form of Engineering-Manufacturing collaboration takes an attractive shape thanks to the design for additive, right where the second Avio Aero additive facility is going to open soon.
Sep 2018
Capture and analyse the sounds coming from inside an aircraft engine thanks to refined sensors and advanced prognostics systems to make the future of flight even safer and more reliable.
Jul 2018
Digital transformation involves the way people work, their professions, and even their work tools, both in offices and in factories.
May 2018
A new technology is facilitating digital transformation in businesses and, despite sophisticated terms, it is much closer to our everyday lives than it seems.
Researchers at the Additive Repair Development Center in Bari are developing a second additive repair technique for aircraft engine turbines.
Apr 2018
The Sangone Test Center, inside Mirafiori automotive kingdom, inaugurated two new test cells for engine modules powering A400M and Cessna Denali.
Mar 2018
A new digital tool for one of the special processes performed at Rivalta allows operators, engineers and laboratory technicians to stay connected in daily work.
A new dedicated additive manufacturing facility in the south of Italy, it will build parts for the newly christened GE CatalystTM engine.
Feb 2018
This isn’t another social network for industry, but rather a new tool on Avio Aero’s path towards digitalization.
Dec 2017
Unique test environments where the main ATP engine modules, including their 3D printed parts, are tested in flight before the whole engine test.
W olbrzymim laboratorium badawczym Polonia Aero rozpoczęto testy na turbinie największego na świecie komercyjnego silnika odrzutowego.
Witamy w Bielsku-Białej, polskim zakładzie, który przechodzi przełomową rewolucję technologiczną.
Nov 2017
The joint efforts of IT and production professionals have proven that it takes time to become an industry 4.0, with much experimentation, development and learning along the way.
One of the most ambitious and impressive research program for a green aero engine becomes reality with engine’s ground test running.
Oct 2017
The advance of digitalization continues within Avio Aero’s factories, thanks to IT teams working in tandem with manufacturing specialists.
Take a look inside this factory 3D printing jet engine parts.
Sep 2017
The first repair using groundbreaking additive techniques through a special gun has already been performed, inside a University Campus.
Aug 2017
Smart glasses, experimentally developed inside the Avio Aero Services area, are opening a new chapter in the industrial digitalization.
Less complexity, costs, wasted material and noise, additive manufacturing in aviation and other industries is optimistically looking ahead to the future, counting on a present that already makes history.
Jul 2017
Clean, efficient and robotized, the new lines for the LEAP program in Pomigliano and Bielsko-Biała are astonishing and they’re ready to face the challenge of a striking market demand.
The first additive repair techniques under development in Italy’s Apulia Region are already being adopted in the factory – such as in Brindisi, where one special machine does the job of three.
Apr 2017
Work and industrial processes keep on transforming, as step by step the aviation industry becomes more and more intelligent.
Mar 2017
There’s a special team working on our digital transformation and evolution, generating ideas and collecting data that will change the way we work.
Feb 2017
How 3D printing and digital technologies are altering the face of aircraft engine manufacturing in Italy
Jan 2017
The mechanical transmission for a revolutionary rotorcraft is our Engineers’ mission in relation to the most ambitious research project.
La test cell partenopea è pronta per accogliere diverse configurazioni motori grazie a un brillante restyling operativo e funzionale.
Nov 2016
Avio Aero opened the first laboratory dedicated to the development of repair procedures for aviation engine components using additive technologies
Sep 2016
The Avio Aero ‘Project Integrators’ pilot project is now fully operative also in Brindisi and Pomigliano.
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