And the challenge goes on
Our customer EPI has congratulated us on the improvements made to our gearboxes and asked us to keep up the good work.
Feb 2017
Work is going on at full speed in the Component Repair & Overhaul area in Pomigliano on the Power Gearbox for the TP400 engine, the biggest ever developed in the western world, built for the Airbus A400M. As well the PGB production at Rivalta is going on including the new configuration of the secondary component (the “pinion plug”).
The combined work of the Global Supply Chain, Engineering and Product Management teams is thus bearing fruit both on the service side and in terms of industrial production: the campaign is currently enabling us to deliver between 10 and 11 PGBs a month to our customers, which is targeted to increase to 12. The overall aim is to reach a point where thePGBs can fly in accordance with the new technical specification.
New configuration improvements are in the offing right now.The improvements made in organization and technical progress were confirmed by theChairman of EPI, Christophe Bruneau, in his latest visit to our facilities. He stated “I must admit that I have found a total change, in terms of organisation, increased workforce, improved processes and above all people’s dedication”. Bruneau also strongly reiterated his recommendations for a successful outcome to the mission: “a reduction in TAT (turn around time), no compromise on quality, close support and cohesion between partners in bringing the work to a close”.
Watch the complete interview with Christophe Bruneau.