Our Time Is Now
Celebrating the 2022 Engineering Recognition Day at Avio Aero: more than a celebration, it represents the huge thank you to passionate, creative and resilient engineers.
May 2022
Just like every year, also last May 5th the GE Engineering teams gathered worldwide for the Engineering Recognition Day 2022: an event aimed at praising the previous year achievements and to award the great things engineers have done. This year, the core theme of the event has been “Our Time is now”, to underline how the role of engineers is fundamental for a new start. And today, more than ever, GE Engineers are relentlessly working for the sustainable future of flight!
A new start was really needed also because this year, again, has been a tough one. After the pandemic shock, we are currently looking at Ukraine’s war terrible images and news unfolding on social medias, television and radio. No one can get used to images and stories like that, and all this has an obvious impact on our mental health as well as on our hearts.
This is one of the reasons why, during the Avio Aero’s Engineering Recognition Day – which was dedicatedly held on the 17th of May for the whole European team - two special guests were invited to “add value and food for thoughts” to the beloved engineering celebration, offering to all attendees the opportunity to meet two extraordinary young ladies.
Thanks to Silvia Wang and Shalini Kurapati, the over 700 engineers attending from all over Europe had the chance to listen on how two young entrepreneurs created their own start-ups. Silvia is the founder of Serenis, a startup that offers psychological support and psychotherapy through a web portal and app; while Shalini is the co-founder of Clearbox AI solutions. With her multi-disciplinary expertise at the intersection of Technology, Policy and Management, Shalini explained the importance of data but also how you can generate synthetic data as many times as you want, from clean or raw input data getting incredible results.

The result was an engaging event featuring a list of redeemed awards along with two exchange experiences which touched diverse, but still very actual, subjects. The Avio Aero Engineering Recognition Day is more than a celebration for awarded engineers, it represents the huge thank you to passionate and creative, resilient engineers and a way to inspire younger engineers to invent the future of flight.
Stefania Latorre, Engineering Operations Manager, and Giorgio Abrate, Engineering General Manager, opened the event welcoming all the participants and briefly introducing the award categories which includes six categories this year: Young Engineer, Customer Value Creation, Materials & Manufacturing, Science & Technology, Tools & Process Excellence and Technical Mentoring. At the end of a brief video introducing each category the winners were presented by the Engineering Management with a short description of the reason why the team was awarded.
"I am honored and happy to be part of a Team that will lead the future of flight while being even resilient, generous and careful to this World we all live in”
“I am so happy and thankful to spend this 2022 ERD with all our European teams” said Giorgio Abrate in his message to attendees and guests “I am honored and happy to be part of a Team that will lead the future of flight but that is also resilient and generous, careful to the World we all live in”.
Like every year, the winners received a gift to remember this important achievements and – also like every past edition – the prizes were linked to an inclusive project: for the 2022 edition the prizes were created by a social Lab based in Turin, Italy, called “Laboratorio Zanzara" working with disabled and weak people. Along with a memory-postcard for the 2022 event to all the attendees, the Engineering Team also decided to make a donation in support of the Ukrainian people during these hard times.
And we have no doubt: this is definitely “Our Time”, the time for the engineers, the time to take on the challenge and invent the future of flight.