
A Certified Commitment

Avio Aero has obtained the GEEIS- Diversity certification, which testifies and validates the company's concrete, real commitment to Inclusion and Diversity issues and needs.

May 2022

Engagement on gender issues for companies today may not be enough. Designing blueprints for pay equity, women's empowerment, and representativeness is only the first step in a journey that must include assessing the impact of activities on the organization. This is undoubtedly the main challenge of inclusion, and businesses need to adopt tools that will help them put their programmatic commitments into practice.

"Providing ourselves with indicators that monitor activity is not enough," says Carlamaria Tiburtini, I&D Leader and HR Business Partner at Avio Aero. “These need to be updated, monitored and validated over time depending on the evolution of the issues with respect to the interests of civil society, and that is why we decided to undertake a path of evaluation by an external firm that would allow us to take a picture of our situation with transparency and objectivity. The choice fell on the proposal of Bureau Veritas which boasts an exclusive partnership with the Arborus association, active for the Gender Equality European & International Standard (GEEIS)."

In fact, in 2009, under the high patronage of the European Commission, Arborus launched the first European network of companies on these issues and, in 2010, it created at the European Economic and Social Council in Brussels the first European-wide endowment fund for equality in the workplace and the first European standard for equality in the workplace with certification by Bureau Veritas taking the final name of GEEIS - Diversity  as of 2016.

Carlamaria Tiburtini, HR Business Partner and Inclusion & Diversity Leader at Avio Aero.

"The GEEIS certification takes on even more relevance in line with the introduction of the National Gender Equality Certification, a goal that Avio Aero, like hopefully many other Italian companies, intends to pursue"

With the GEEIS Certification, you can communicate your commitment to Diversity and Inclusion to the outside world, responding to societal and market pressures, stakeholder expectations, as well as regulatory requirements.

"The audit journey was challenging," commented Rosa Pisani Supplier Quality Leader and co-chair of Avio Aero's Women Network, "and went deep into all the organization’s ganglia assessing not only actions but also active management involvement and employee engagement."

"As engineers, we are used to dealing with numbers to measure the success of our initiatives," continued Samantha Pennano Program Director for European Programs. "Having a perimeter for corporate culture initiatives as well is certainly a facilitator that helps us build a framework with clear, measurable indicators and goals."

“The GEEIS certification takes on even more relevance in light of Mission 5 of the NRP which envisages the introduction of the National Gender Equality Certification, a goal that Avio Aero - like hopefully many other Italian companies - intends to pursue," concluded Carlamaria Tiburtini, I&D and HR Business Partner. "Having obtained it puts us in a position to already have a solid framework to be able to meet the requirements of the national one and thus to continue on our path toward concretely overcoming the gender gap."